Much like the Indexperts earnings focused institutional indexes, Indexperts exchange traded funds (ETFs) focus on the quality of the holdings and controlled costs. Unlike other market-cap index funds where stocks are selected solely based on size, the Indexperts' earnings focused approach means the companies in the portfolios are selected based on meeting high-quality earnings standards. The Indexperts ETFs offer investors the ability to get started with a lower initial investment than the Indexperts institutional portfolios. Through Indexperts ETFs investors can build a well-rounded portfolio with the three disciplines available: growth equities, value equities, and yield-focused fixed income. Whether the investor's risk profile is aggressive, moderate, or conservative, these ETFs can accomplish their needs while achieving diversification.
Indexperts – All-Cap Growth: Lorem Ipsum
Indexperts – All-Cap Value: Lorem Ipsum
Indexperts – Yield-Focused Fixed income: Lorem Ipsum
Indexperts – All-Cap Value: Lorem Ipsum
Indexperts – Yield-Focused Fixed income: Lorem Ipsum
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